When Animal Planet's third season of Tanked airs next spring, one location might look familiar

When Animal Planet's third season of Tanked airs next spring, one location might look familiar. It's the rolling hills of east Pasco and Saint Leo University.

 But the plot centers not on the landscape but on the 2,100 gallon saltwater aquarium that has been built in a new residence hall known for now as Building No. 5. The circumstances surrounding how the private Catholic university scored a state-of-the-art aquarium and a spot on the reality show featuring the antics of the family business Acrylic Tank Manufacturers have been kept secret.

So has the price of the tank, which will feature lion fish in homage to the school mascot, the Lion.

showing off the fermentation fish tank that will be created on the Animal Plant Show “Tanked.”  This tank will be located at the new Port Bressi Ranch location and the TV show airs on May 10th on Animal Planet